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Lillian Adams

Senior Manager, Contract Operations - Reporting & Analysis
Franklin Lakes

We are the connectors of possible: A Life Well Lived in Tech and Data Analysis

There’s not a Sept 11th that goes by that Lillian Adams does not recall just how lucky she is to be alive.

That’s not hyperbole, it’s fact. She recalls vividly how she survived walking down 25 flights of stairs and exiting out of the North Tower after it was struck. The experience left her with a distinct sense of clarity about her life and her career.

“I worked at the World Trade Center in the North Tower where I provided data support at the time. It’s terrifying to reflect on what happened that day to me and so many others …. heartbreaking when you think about the thousands of people who lost their lives. We walked single file through smoke and debris and managed to hit the back exit and from there I ran as fast as I could. I tried to make calls to my family to let them know I was ok and that I made it out, but the cell phone signals were jammed; eventually, I got through to them to let them know I made it,” shared Lillian, a Senior Manager in Commercial Contract Operations.

From Historical Tragedy to Intentional Living

Soon after 9/11, Lillian made a promise to herself to live each day like it was her last, including her career choices. Taking a trip with family down to her parent’s native country of the Dominican Republic in 2002 allowed her to take on teaching Computer Science and exploring where her career path might take her next.

She remained living abroad until 2005 when she traveled back to New Jersey in 2006 to take on a role as a Database Manager. From there, she took on a role as a Senior Pricing Systems Analyst for eight years and then landed a position as a Product Data Analyst for a couple of years. Then she found BD. In her current role, she works closely with BD customers to ensure pricing is accurate – it’s a role that she says gives her a sense of Purpose and leaves her feeling fulfilled.

“There are four elements that I look for in job satisfaction: 1) Do my values align with the company? 2) Do I enjoy performing the actual work? 3) Does the company have a clear and compelling purpose in the world? 4) Do I fit in with the culture? I enjoy working with our customers. My work at BD completes me and I love that. I believe that one must feel as if they belong and can bring their authentic self to work every day. I am fortunate that I found all of this and more at BD,” explained Lillian.

Keys to Success in Working at BD

Lillian easily explains what traits an individual needs to be successful at BD – just bring your authentic self and do the best you can every day to make a difference. “You will face some challenges at times, but you absolutely have the support network and tools to help overcome anything you might encounter at BD. We help each other be great and learn and improve every day.”

And she is clearly doing something right as Lillian received the Commercial & Customer Operations (CCO) Culture Award – in honor of Vanessa Puryear* in late 2023, which honors those associates who demonstrate and live The BD Way values.

*NOTE: The award is named after a former Comm Ops associates who demonstrated The BD Way/Values but also lived them every day.

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